Monday, January 24, 2011

My gratefulness list continues.......

#5 Holding my beloved's hands while we both enter into worship

#6 A moment of shared tears and love between my daughter and me......suddenly 8 months seems
too little.....too little time left before my daughter ventures into her own home......

#7 A healthy family : )

#8 Laughter shared with Mom during our phone conversations

#9 The power, hope and comfort of prayer

#10 An afternoon spent with dear friends

#11 Laughter

#12 The gentle knock from my grown son at my checking in. I love his beautiful smile.

#13 The beauty of nature, God's creations blanketed with beautiful snow as hubby and I had a small Sunday drive.


Jennifer said...

Laughter is a beautiful gift. It is on my list this week, too.

Faith said...

Hi There, stopping in to catch up folks who have joined my blog..nice to meet you..You like simple? me too. I have a MEME on Mondays..."What is your joy? There you will find your abundance". I hope you might considered joining along. You are already doing something along those lines I see. The more, the merrier....ENJOY!