Saturday, February 5, 2011

Joy of Love Day 5

I am taking part in challenge of e journaling. Willette will send out challenges and we take pics jot a few words and memories are made : ) Interested???? Join us!
Todays challenge is catching something we love to hate.
I have 3 wonderful kids.....they are all adults but in my heart they are still my kids : ). One is out of the house now but my other two are still at home and I love it! I love my kids with my whole heart......but I sure do not love when they do this......

Items left on our dining table, coats hanging on chairs

Dear son has always peeled his clothes off when he would get home......dropping things here and there....cute at the age of 3 now age 20 not so cute.......
Ties wrapped around chairs, shelves, anywhere he can find a spot!
Yes, I sure do love my kids but not the lil piles they lay here and there.....but I will love it for now because one day those lil piles will no longer exist when they leave home.......and then I will be loving to hate all those neat places.

1 comment:

Lyzzydee said...

I feel your pain!!!!