Thursday, March 5, 2009

tests! oh the pressure!

I have been taking some classes that are in the pre-req list of my journey into my future nursing career, my gov't class is one of them and boy oh boy is my head spinning with information overload!
So my plans for taking tons of pics and posting on a gregular basis and actually getting to know some of you......ok all of you : ) is on hold....kind of. I am trying to get my life in order.....making a home management planner, menu schedule, I do work part time so that is a big part of my life, making a walk the doggies schedule, basically I am trying to squeeze alot into my days!
Well back to the books for me!


Scrappy quilter said...

That's awesome you want to be a nurse. Wishing you all the best.

Chanda said...

Thanks for stopping by, I love meeting new friends here in blogland.

Hang in there, you'll get it all together in know time.

Good luck with the nursing. Study hard!

Kelli said...

Good luck with your studying and tests!